Sunday, April 27, 2008

Addison, Ella & Lily

Friday I had a really fun shoot with three little girls, they were so precious!!! Here are some of my favorites!!!! They are just so sweet!!!
Thanks Molly, Blair & Courtney for booking with me!!

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Odd things...

So I have this new wierd obsession with taking pictures of random things...lights, pencil sharpeners, locks....and for lack of anything better to post I thought I would share some of them...I know I am one strange duck, but hey who isn't?


Gill Cattle Co. & Ranch Management Services

About a week ago I spent the day shooting pictures for a new business in the area, Gill Cattle Co. & Ranch Management Services. They were doing some cattle handling for a video project and I got to tag along and take some still shots for their promotional use. We started out at a ranch in Springtown, Texas and then moved on the Decatur Livestock Market in Decatur, Texas.So the next picture is one of my favorites, it is just funny. We were up on a catwalk filming and I turned around and looked down an alley way at the Decatur Livestock Market and there was a Rooster in the middle of the aisle! What is really funny about it is in the next picture. This picture was taken at the front desk of the sale barn!! Too funny!!!


Last Night...

Just a quick blog with some shots from last night. I had not tried to take pictures of lightening before last night. It was a little difficult, of course a lot of that could be because we were without power and I couldn't even see my camera to make sure my settings were where they should be. Oh well here are a few shots from the storm last night. These pictures were taken around ten p.m. after most of it had passed over us. I wish I would have been taking pictures earlier, but someone (my mom) had me in a mild state of panic and in the bathtub with the dogs and the couch cushions (which are now slightly wet) because there was a tornado headed my way?!?! I know I know, better safe than sorry, but those would have been some awesome pictures!!!!


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Trip to Tennessee. . .

My husband and I took a quick trip to Tennessee a couple of weeks ago to visit my family! So I thought I would share some of the pictures from our trip! So I obviously took the above picture while going down the road....gotta love the cows in Arkansas!!My big brother with my adorable niece Sydney!!My cousins Taylor and Chloe! Isn't Chloe just one of the cutest babies!!! She is a little firecraker!My sister in law and Sydney (above) and again with my grandmother (below)!My Aunt Sandy, I love her to death, she is just the greatest!! Hopefully she won't kill me for posting this picture of her!! My wonderful cousin Jacob! He is one of the coolest people in the world, I really admire him for everything he does!! Chloe again!! Can't get enough of this one!!Okay so the Wahoo Board...As long as I remember my grandparents have had this WAHOO board. It has so many great memories!! My two cousins, my older brother and I played for the Wahoo board on this trip. Unfortunately even with my lucky dice, I got beat and now Jacob has possesion on the board, so I had to take a picture of it! It was sad, but also really great to all get together and play again! Maybe one of these days I can challenge Jacob to a rematch!My older brother Ty, I love this picture!! I just love FLARE (sunspots)!!!
Thanks so much Sandy, Walter and Molly for having us, hopefully we will make it back to TN soon!!!


Catching up!!!!

I have a lot of catching up to do! There should be ( I say should be, because I hope to get them done this week) several new posts in the next couple of days! For now here is a picture of my new hair cut!!! I took the picture myself, so please don't judge the quality of the picture, I am not very good at self-portraits yet!


April & Jason Engagement Pics

This past weekend I traveled to Austin, Texas to take some engagement pictures for a really great couple that are getting married in a couple of weeks! The best part about these pictures is how obviously in love these two are! ! ! We walked up and down Congress Avenue and then stopped off at the Capitol for some shots. There are more pictures from their engagement shoot on the main website under 'lovers'.

April and Jason, thanks for booking your engagement pictures with me, I can't wait for the wedding in a couple of weeks!
