Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kristy - Maternity

I spent this weekend in Brenham, Texas, home of Blue Bell Ice Cream! I didn't go to Brenham for the ice cream, but it was a good bonus!! Brenham is a really cute town, I would like to go back when I have more time! The reason for the trip was to take some maternity pictures for the beautiful Kristy who is due in 18 days!!!! Kristy and her husband Jeremy are so sweet and so obviously inlove!! He has to be the most attentive husband I have ever seen!! So without further delay, here are Kristy's pictures. I really played around a lot with some of them in the editing process, just for something different, I will post a couple of those at the end of this post! Now for the overly edited images!!!!! I had so much fun creating these!!! Especially the LAST ONE!!! I just really like it.Thanks Kristy for letting me capture this time in your life, I can't wait until the baby is here and I can get some newborn shots of her!!!

***Side note about BlueBell - while I was on their website I noticed that the above picture is one of this month's flavors and was inspired by 4-H and is honoring 100 years of 4-H. I just thought it was really cool, being a former 4-H'er my self! Great Company, Even Better Ice Cream!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Sarah and Sid

I was asked to get some 'Texas' pictures of Sarah and Sid. Sarah is from Texas and Sid is from California. Their wedding is in July in California, I have a feeling that even though it is in CA., there will be a nice Texas feel to it. Anyway, we went down to the Fort Worth Stockyards for some shots of them. Sid is a little camera shy, but was a GREAT sport!!! Here are some of my favorites!!
I did this next picture two ways, one just regular color and one with texture. I like them both, but you decide.
This last shot I really like, we just ran into the White Elephant for a second. The light wasn't that great so the picture has a little bit of a blur to it, but I just love it. I messed with the color and just loved the end result. Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think?
Thanks Sarah and Sid for calling me, and thank you so much for the awesome necklace, I LOVE IT!!! I probably wear it a little too much. I will blog a picture of it soon, so everyone else can see!!!!!


Bailey and Chris

Here are the long awaited shots of my wonderul step-daughter and her awesome fiance that were taken a while back. I have been so behind lately.....

Anyway here are some of my favorites. Chris and Bailey met at Tarleton while they were both getting their degrees in Theater. They are a great couple and a lot of fun as you can see from the pictures below. They are getting married in December and I can't wait till the wedding, it is going to be so much fun. Sorry it took me so long to post Bailey, but here they are.
This picture is about 4th in a series of pictures that is just great of the two of them. These will be the ones we frame in our house!!!
Super Heroes!!!
Bailey's Ring!! I just love it, isn't it pretty? So Bailey, obviously her favorite color is purple!
I had to put this one in here!! Our dog Percy LOVES Chris, he is just one of those people that animals just love, and you know what they say, animals are a great judge of character!! Bailey and Chris, I can't wait for the wedding, but more importantly can't wait to see y'all again!! We miss you and love you both very much!

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