Saturday, September 27, 2008

House Moving

I spent most of the day yesterday being a nosy neighbor! Our neighbors sold their house, just the house, not the land. So the house movers were here yesterday getting the house. This has been a really long process, they have been working on getting it ready to move for weeks! They thought they were going to have to come across our land to move it, but ended up going another route. So of course I grabbed my camera and recorded the process, however I don't think my neighbor Gretchen will ever want these pictures, she may never forgive her husband for selling the house. This house is/was the oldest house in town, I think ours may be the oldest now. They lifted the house up on these jacks, and then put the beams under the house. They had to cut the house into two pieces, this one being the larger piece with the part of the living room and the bedrooms. This is where their front porch used to be.....sorry Gretchen!
This is the smaller part of the house that got moved down the hill first, it is the mainly the kitchen.
Not the smartest/safest place to be....
The larger part coming through the second fence, they are actually going to have to reset the beams under this portion before they move it off the property completely, because it is so unlevel! As you can see there was some roof damage during part of the move due to some really big trees. They are supposed to finish moving it next week, hopefully I will be able to catch them as they drive through town with it, would love to get pictures of that! Thanks Gretchen for letting me hang out with you yesterday!

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday Night!

Last night we went to a little party at our friends David and Amber's house. Good Food, Good Music and Cold Beer, can't beat it! That's Jeff (above) I promised him he would be an internet superstar!!!

One last picture of Jeff!!! He is hilarious! Thanks for inviting us David and Amber and we will see you next time!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Fort Worth Zoo!

What a day! I had a blast today at the zoo. Nothing like running around the zoo with a bunch a three year olds! Here are some of my favorite shots of the day. Warning, this is probably going to be a long post, I really like the zoo.
Of course after the zoo, was the train ride. "The Big Black Train" as Carter calls it. I think we could have saved ourselves several hours of walking around the zoo, and just rode the train over and over again! These boys loved it!

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My New Shoes!!

I love love love my new shoes!!! They are so cute, I thought I would share!
I am going to the Zoo tomorrow with Lauren and Carter!!! Those pics will be up as soon as I get them edited!!! I love the Zoo!!

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dove Hunt 2008 - Warning PETA members, don't look!

This Monday was opening day of Dove Season. I was 'allowed' to go hang out with the boys in the Dove Field on Monday to get some shots of them in action. I had a really great time, these guys have been getting together on opening day for the past nine years!! They are so much fun and really good guys! We started the morning out really early in some plowed fields, but for the afternoon hunt we were in the middle of a large sunflower field. I am only going to include one picture of carnage! These were from the morning hunt, I bet there were twice as many in the afternoon hunt!! This guy wasn't with our group, but was hunting the same field Monday morning, I just couldn't resist getting a picture of he and his dog. Her name is Vegas, and she got so excited, she was a lot of fun to watch!!!

Guys, Thanks a lot for letting me tag a long! I had a good time!!

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