Friday, June 19, 2009

New Website is up and running!

Hey everyone, after one heck a week of dealing with website diffulties my new website is up and running. The new address is, if you have bookmarked don't worry at some point next week that website should just go ahead and redirect you to the new one. In other words they will eventually be one in the same! Go check out the new site, let me know if you have any issues at all with it!

More posts to come really soon!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I am currently having some website issues, they should be resolved soon. So if you go the main website and things are 'different' than they normally are, have no fear a new site is coming and should be up soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding and I will have this issue resolved as soon as humanly possible.


Monday, June 15, 2009

James & Heather Engagement Photos

This is one amazing couple. I spent half the day with them Saturday and had a blast. We started in the Stockyards and then ended up at James' family ranch. Heather and James went to grade school together and have known each other all of their lives, but lost touch during high school and college. She is a graduate of Texas Tech and he is an Aggie. Well one Saturday night while they were both home for the weekend, they met again in Fort Worth and I don't think either of their lives have been the same since!!! They are so obviously in love, they are that couple that makes every other couple jealous. You can see it in every look! Congratulations James and Heather, I can't wait for the wedding in October!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Storms last night...

Weatherford got hit pretty hard with some storms yesterday evening. I took some shots from our porch of the storm as went right by us, not evening dropping a tenth of an inch of rain at our house. Yes I realize I am becoming obsessed with the 70's looking edits....I can't help it I just love it.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Random Things

So it has been a while since I posted some of the random pictures I take, just for the sake of taking them, and I decided today would be a good day for that, Mondays are just full of randomness anyway, so why not add some more. I took this picture during Kelsy & JJ's engagement shoot of the Old Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells. I really wish someone would restore it, it is just amazing. This picture was taken this weekend during my photo shoot with Cigi for some promo pictures to use on my website. I really like this and camera to the right was my grandmothers old brownie hawkeye, that apparently still works. Stay tuned somtime soon for some pictures taken with it. I looked into ordering the film yesterday. I am really excited about that!I took this picture about a month ago while we were working cows, it is of my lovely husband, I just love the way he has his eyes cut over to the camera. He really doesn't like having his picture taken, so its actually a small miracle that I got him in a shot anyway.

This last one I took just playing around for some shots for my parents new website. I liked it, although it looks a little obviously staged...but oh well.

I have a bunch of shoots coming up in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned for lots more posts, and yes it is that time again, the Lipan Junior Rodeo will start this month, YEA YEA!!!, so look for those posts to be coming soon!

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More of Kelsey & JJ

Here are some more of Kelsey & JJ. These two are just awesome and I think I will let the pictures speak for themselves! I can't wait until their wedding in October!!!
