Thursday, August 14, 2008


As many of you know, our house has become quite the little cat farm here lately. I have a bunch of kittens right now, 9 to be exact. Although 6 are already spoken for. It seems out of each litter I fall in love with one, these two litters being no exception. So with out further delay please let me introduce to you the newest permanent member of our family....Goose! She is soo cute and really quite cuddly and friendly. Don't ask me how I came up with the name, apparently Anthony Edwards and Top Gun were on my mind and even though she is a she, I still like the name Goose. As you can tell Goose is a bob-tail cat, I just love them, sooo cute!! I have a busy busy weekend and I can't wait to blog the shoots next week! Saturday I have my first Senior session of the year in Mansfield, Texas. Sunday I have the privledge of shooting some pictures of Makenzie in Morgan Mill/Bluffdale, for her 18mth pictures! On top of a little dinner party tomorrow night at our house with my lovely and talented step daughter, her equally talented and lovely fiance', my awesome friend Jeremy and his beautiful wife Amanda. Bailey is in town finishing up planning her wedding in December and has requested one of her Dad's yummy steaks, with Chris' favorite (homemade banana pudding) for dessert! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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