Monday, December 15, 2008

SO excited about these pictures!!

First off, thank you all so much for your patience and your kind words, and I am glad to be back home and might actually be making some headway on the stacks and stacks of work. What a bad time for everything to fall apart, oh well what doesn't kill you just makes your stronger...eventually!

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon with Lauren for her senior shoot. This shoot has been put off I don't know how many times, for bad weather, death, basketball, you name it, it got in the way! Well her pictures are due to the school for the yearbook this week, so we had absolutely no choice but head out Sunday no matter the weather. Well as it turned out, the weather was AWESOME, she was AWESOME, it was just overuse the word...AWESOME! I had such a hard time picking out which ones to post, there were literally a hundred great shots! Thank you Lauren for being so much fun and for just being you! To quote the greatest line ever written in a yearbook, "stay just the way you are, don't change"!~

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Blogger Melissa Regeon said...

I'll be the first comment... These photos are amazing! Great Job!!! Love EM!!!!

December 15, 2008 at 7:40 PM  
Blogger Melissa Regeon said...

Hope you had a great Christmas! Melissa

December 27, 2008 at 10:19 PM  

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