Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Broken Spoke & George Strait

So while looking for a few photos this morning I came across a folder full of pictures that need to be posted. I actually can't believe I have neglected to post these. A while back while in Austin, mi madre and I stopped by the ole' Broken Spoke for lunch. If you are not familiar with the Broken Spoke, click on the link and find out more, you don't know what you have been missing!On the wall in the Broken Spoke is an old album cover of George Strait ....I can understand the temptation, but seriously why ruin a good picture of George???? In honor of George Strait, I will be playing several of my favorites right here on the blog through If you haven't checked Imeem out yet, click on over and check it out! It is AWESOME!!! So here's to George and the Broken Spoke. My first selection is by far one of my all time favorites, Unwound!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to see you finally put these up. I have been telling my wife some of your ideas for out ranch shoot. I hope you can fit us in soon so we can use the photographs in our winter catalog. Again, it was really nice to meet you, you are truly talented and this kind of photos are just what we have been needing but have not been able to find any one with as much talent at you.

August 21, 2008 at 1:51 PM  
Blogger Kimberly Brian said...

Thanks Bill, it was great to meet you and Susanne also! I can't wait for the catalog shoot!

August 21, 2008 at 1:55 PM  

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