Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Favorites - Links

I have discovered some really cool stuff on the internet lately, that I thought I would share!

The first is something I just discovered, desktoptopia! It is a desktop program that changes your desktop images with random images, some graphics some photography...just really cool. You can set it up to change as often as you want, right now mine is set to every three minutes, just so I can see all the cool images. You can also upload some of your own images for everyone to use. Which is just really cool. I may upload some of my favorite images later today. It was created for Mac users but is available in Beta to PC users. Here are some examples of the backgrounds, aren't they cool?
The second link I have is a not so new favorite of mine, but one that everyone should check out at least once. PostSecret!

"PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where peoplemail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard."

New secrets are posted every Sunday, some are really sad, some will make you laugh out loud and some just make you think.

Next on my list is a site I posted about the other day...Imeem! This website is great if you want to add music to your own website or if you just want to create an online play list to play while working on your computer. It is FREE, which is so cool and its easy! Check it out today and let me know what you think.

This post is the first of a couple that I will do about Favorites, next up-----> New Favorite Images!

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