Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just like the first time. . .

There will some actual photography posts coming soon, I promise. I have two shoots tomorrow that I will be blogging in the first part of the week. But first.....

Go back to October of 1993.....

Yes that is what you think it is. Ahhh...the sweet moody sounds of Sarah McLahlan. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy was a great album, and the first CD I ever purchased! Why am I taking a stroll down memory lane?? Well I was in Hasting's yesterday trading in a bunch of crummy DVD's and some old books for some new DVD's and Good Enough, was playing throughout the store. So what did I do, I went searching for the CD. I of course found it and it was on sale, so it is now playing in the Xterra wherever I go. My favorite track would have to be Ice Cream...just a good song. I used to play it over and over and over again. My friend 'Smitty' is a huge McLahlan fan still to this day and I bet when she reads this she will have a big smile on her face. This album just screams the '90's!

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