Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sneak Peak: Winston & Ranger

Sunday evening Bobby and I drove into Saginaw to take some pictures of Lisa's kids...Winston & Ranger. Winston is 14 and Ranger is 6.

Aren't they adorable!! They were so sweet! There little short legs are too cute!! Thanks for calling Lisa, Bobby and I had a great time hanging out with you and Matt. I should have your proofing gallery up soon!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, these are just what I am looking for. I have been asking you to come out and snap a few pic if Sherm, BJ, Radar, and Margaret “Hot Lips” but after seeing these I must have some of my crew. Let me know when you have a free spot I know you are so booked but I you could squeeze me in I would appreciate it. Tell your client that there dog are so cute.

September 4, 2008 at 8:46 AM  

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