Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sneak Peak: Lipan Jr. Rodeo

I am still in the middle of editing all of the pictures I took last night, but for those of you who just can't wait, here is a sneak peak. I hope to have a full post up soon, and the client gallery ready to go tomorrow, but with the holiday and it being opening weekend of Dove Season, it may be Wednesday before they all get up.
As always, I had a great time last night. Thanks go out to my husband for coming and with me and being my 'assistant'. To the parents who help put this on, and you know who you are...Great Job on another awesome rodeo!!!

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Flowery Goodness!

Okay, so I am not a big flower picture taker. I think they are really pretty, but most of the time I don't take pictures of flowers. However yesterday I played around in my friend Lauren's wildflower gardens.....And there were a couple of pretty cool shots the above picture being my favorite!

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Randy Rogers Band

I love the Randy Rogers Band. They are absolutely my favorite band. I can listen to them anytime and I NEVER get sick of them. I just found their new video online, and thought I would post it here! I hope you enjoy!!

One More Goodbye - Randy Rogers Band

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Sneak Peak: Winston & Ranger

Sunday evening Bobby and I drove into Saginaw to take some pictures of Lisa's kids...Winston & Ranger. Winston is 14 and Ranger is 6.

Aren't they adorable!! They were so sweet! There little short legs are too cute!! Thanks for calling Lisa, Bobby and I had a great time hanging out with you and Matt. I should have your proofing gallery up soon!


More Mackenzi, this time with Big Bro Grady!

I just love this outfit, with boots....ooohhh soo cute! Those little blonde curls are just too sweet. I had a great time with these kids, they are both really sweet and obviously cutie pies! They come by it naturally though, Mom and Dad are lookers too. Mackenzi has an adorable older brother named Grady! He is one of the cutest 4 year olds I have seen and really sweet to boot. He wanted me to come play Legos with him and help him build some race cars and trucks. I obviously didn't help much but got some really cute shots of him building his cars.

Thanks so much for having me out, I really had a great time and I will see y'all this weekend at the Lipan Jr. Rodeo!!!

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sneak Peak: Mackenzi

This morning I went out to Bluffdale for pictures of the Mackenzi, these are her 18 month pictures. Talk about a cutie!!
I will post more when I have finished editing, right now I am off to Saginaw to take pictures of Winston and Ranger!!!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just like the first time. . .

There will some actual photography posts coming soon, I promise. I have two shoots tomorrow that I will be blogging in the first part of the week. But first.....

Go back to October of 1993.....

Yes that is what you think it is. Ahhh...the sweet moody sounds of Sarah McLahlan. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy was a great album, and the first CD I ever purchased! Why am I taking a stroll down memory lane?? Well I was in Hasting's yesterday trading in a bunch of crummy DVD's and some old books for some new DVD's and Good Enough, was playing throughout the store. So what did I do, I went searching for the CD. I of course found it and it was on sale, so it is now playing in the Xterra wherever I go. My favorite track would have to be Ice Cream...just a good song. I used to play it over and over and over again. My friend 'Smitty' is a huge McLahlan fan still to this day and I bet when she reads this she will have a big smile on her face. This album just screams the '90's!

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Movie time!

So I am way behind on my movie watching. But last night I watched P.S. I Love You. WOW, great movie. I mean reallllly good movie. I am admittedly not a big Hillary Swank fan, but she does an amazing job in this, on top of that Jeffrey Dean Morgan makes a couple of appearances, you remember him, he played Denny on Grey's Anatomy and is also in Weeds.
Seriously P.S. I Love You is THE ULTIMATE chick flick, makes you cry, makes you laugh, and leaves you feeling good. I will watch it over and over and over again. It is by far the best movie I have seen in a long long long time!
Then we watched National Treasure Book of Secrets with Nicolas Cage. I liked the first one, my husband really liked it. The second one, was just as good. I was suprised that is was just as good, it was a little unbelievable, but those movies are supposed to be. I mean no-one is seriously going to be able to get into the places he goes in this movie, the Whitehouse, Buckingham Palace, etc...But all in all it was pretty good.
(notice the date on the above picture, yeah we are a little behind on movie watching)

Tonight is ......

I have been wanting to see Juno for a while and have featured some of the soundtrack on this blog, I hope that it is as good as everyone says!

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Put a smile on your face

Okay, so here is a YouTube video I ran across today. When I first hit play I kinda thought, what...but the more I watched the bigger my smile got and the more I laughed. Check it out. If it doesn't at least put a smile on your face...well you just need to lighten up!

<----- Make sure you click stop on the music link to you right.

Check out

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More of Matt

Here is the full post of Matt's Senior Shoot! Mansfield is full of great locations to shoot, I wish I lived closer so that I could take advantage more often! Obviously the black t-shirt he was wearing was my favorite, love love love the 'famous' shirt!


New Favorites - Links

I have discovered some really cool stuff on the internet lately, that I thought I would share!

The first is something I just discovered, desktoptopia! It is a desktop program that changes your desktop images with random images, some graphics some photography...just really cool. You can set it up to change as often as you want, right now mine is set to every three minutes, just so I can see all the cool images. You can also upload some of your own images for everyone to use. Which is just really cool. I may upload some of my favorite images later today. It was created for Mac users but is available in Beta to PC users. Here are some examples of the backgrounds, aren't they cool?
The second link I have is a not so new favorite of mine, but one that everyone should check out at least once. PostSecret!

"PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where peoplemail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard."

New secrets are posted every Sunday, some are really sad, some will make you laugh out loud and some just make you think.

Next on my list is a site I posted about the other day...Imeem! This website is great if you want to add music to your own website or if you just want to create an online play list to play while working on your computer. It is FREE, which is so cool and its easy! Check it out today and let me know what you think.

This post is the first of a couple that I will do about Favorites, next up-----> New Favorite Images!

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sneak Peak - Matt

Yesterday was my first Senior Shoot of the year! Matt is a Senior at Mansfield Legacy with plans to go onto UNT or UTA. Here are a few of the stand-outs from the shoot yesterday!

Thanks Kathy, Becky and Matt, I had a great time with y'all yesterday!

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